This refers to the five loaves and two fishes that multiplied in the hands of the disciples after the Lord had blessed them. As the Lord blesses K.C. Ung with His Word and he distributes it to the congregations he speaks to, it is hoped that this same Word will further multiply through them as well as through this website.
From time to time K.C. hopes to post on this website outlines of his messages he gives at various assemblies. They will also include topics for special occasions, like Father's Day, Mother's Day, etc., or even relevant topics as the tsunami tragedy that brought so much havoc recently. All these outlines would be Bible study outlines and friends will be able to use them for their own personal Bible study or even guide them in the preparation of their messages. Hopefully this feature will benefit serious Bible students.
There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes:
but what are they among so many? (Jn. 6:9)
KC is that “lad”. He has with him only “five loaves and two small fishes” – his two hands and his five fingers in each hand to write and type out the messages in this section. They are limited as instruments of sharing with you the thoughts given to him by his Lord. And he does not know what potential fruits they will bring forth when surrendered into His hands for Him, Himself, to hand over the blessed bread and fishes for distribution to others. KC is but His channel, and will just leave it to Him to do what He wants with these messages.
In this section are posted all KC’s sermon and studies outlines in full.
They are outlines of messages which had been actually used in public delivery in KC’s ministry for the Lord as a young Christian to current messages recently delivered. They are not complete and they will be added to from time to time as he finds the time to post them.
They are given in outline form for four reasons:
Only the skeleton of the sermon is given to enable KC to reuse it to fit the circumstances and needs of the hour. When the occasion arises, then only does he put the flesh onto the skeleton. This enables him to repeat or reiterate the message based on the same outline and yet each message is different with additions and subtractions as the need demands.
Because of the skeleton structure of the outline, he is open to the leading of the Spirit each time He uses it. He is not tied down to thoughts previously used.
This format also enables the person wanting to use it to depend on the Spirit to guide him/her into new insights and thoughts that will govern the message to meet the needs of his/her congregation. It will no more be a message taken from KC’s resources but it will be another message from the Lord.
He/she need not have to use the whole message outline. He can use any section of it, as each section is in a way complete in itself. He/she can then develop it into another completely new (well, almost new) message in another direction as the Spirit leads.